Right On Bracket Floating Shelf Brackets are a new design to create a floating shelf design. The bracket is virtually invisible, giving a true “floating” look.

There are a few other floating shelf bracket designs out there like this, but a small difference makes our brackets far superior. If you notice, the floating shelf bracket dowel bars are flat instead of round. This makes the installation process much easier for you.

After you mount a floating shelf bracket, the next step is drilling holes into the back of your shelf. Those holes are going to be round and fitting a round dowel into that hole perfectly can be difficult. You have no room for error and must be perfect. Since the Right On Bracket Floating Shelf Bracket uses dowels that are vertical and flat, you have a little room for error. The holes you drill into the shelf will easily slip into the vertical bars. This is a simple process to install a floating shelf and it’s more DIY friendly compared to the competition.
Right On Bracket Floating Shelf Brackets are also more reliable than the competition. Instead of using a hollow round dowel, we use a solid metal bar that can withstand more weight. A hollow tube can bend or snap, but our solid bar has a higher weight capacity. Our product does everything the competition does, but better.

Right On Bracket Floating Shelf Brackets come in a variety of different lengths. If you need to support a shelf longer than we manufacturer, you may combine multiple brackets together. This will create a stronger hold as well, because all the weight won’t be on 1 bracket.
If you’re looking to add a floating shelf, look no further than Right On Bracket! Our Floating Shelf Brackets fit a variety of different shelves and will create a modern floating design. Trust nothing but the best shelving hardware, trust Right On Bracket!