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Common Mistakes Homeowners Make With Their Wall Shelves

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make With Their Wall Shelves

Some homeowners don’t follow all the correct steps when attempting to hang shelves. Luckily, you can learn common mistakes homeowners make with their wall shelves. This way, you can avoid them during your installation project.

Placing Shelves in the Wrong Location

Many homeowners attempt to hang shelves along their walls in any location. This might work for lighter, more decorative shelves, but for heavy-duty hanging ones, you’ll want to give them some extra support. Don’t place heavy shelves on drywall alone. Instead, use a stud finder to locate a wall stud behind your wall. Try to find at least one wall stud for hanging shelves, although placing your heavy-duty shelves along multiple studs will give the best results.

Using the Wrong Brackets

Much like trying to place a heavy-duty shelf on drywall, hanging a shelf without the correct brackets won’t provide proper support. Before purchasing your shelves and brackets, weigh the items you wish to place on top of the shelf. Knowing how much weight your brackets will need to support is a critical factor that’ll help you figure out which ones to purchase. Will right angle brackets offer enough support, or will a floating shelf bracket that attaches directly to the wall stud be superior? These are the questions to ask in advance.

Skipping Steps

When hanging your shelf, take your time and follow the instructions. Many homeowners try to turn on autopilot when doing tasks like hanging shelves. However, this can cause them to skip key steps. You don’t want to stand back from your new shelf and realize that you forgot to level it before screwing it in. Taking your time and following instructions will also help prevent injuries and accidents during the installation.

As you prepare to put up wall shelves, don’t forget to check out our selection of hanging brackets for your project. Here at Right On Bracket, we carry everything from floating shelf brackets to heavy-duty industrial shelf brackets for your larger endeavors. As you gather everything you need, remember these common mistakes homeowners make with their wall shelves to avoid issues during your installation.

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