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Tips for Eliminating Household Clutter Once and for All

Tips for Eliminating Household Clutter Once and for All

You may not even realize it, but sometimes the physical messes we live in can contribute to a foggy or disheveled mind. Through lack of organization and an overload of stuff in our living spaces, we’re more anxious, less relaxed, and seem to always have a running to-do list. It’s finally time to set aside a day to attack the disorder. Following these tips for eliminating household clutter once and for all should leave you in a better headspace, not to mention a physical space, by the time you’re done! With everything finally clean, you can move forward.

Set up Categories

The first step to getting organized is organization! Dedicate areas to three categories: keep, donate, toss. Go through your clutter, piles of stuff, and jammed-up areas room by room and put the items in their corresponding categories. A great rule for clothing and other items is to consider when the last time you wore it or used it was. Does it serve a purpose, or are you simply making false promises to yourself because you think you’ll need it later?

Once you know what you’re keeping, you can find ways to display it appropriately. Use Right On Bracket’s hidden floating shelf brackets to hang shelving that aids in clutter removal (rather than contributing to more mess) and allow you to appreciate the items you decided to keep.

Go Through Food

It’s insane what we leave in the door of the refrigerator. Take some time and remove everything from your fridge. Take off the shelves, then deep clean them, and then deep clean the entire fridge.

As you begin to replace the contents of your refrigerator, check expiration dates, throw away that condiment you used only once, and give yourself room to evaluate at a glance what you’ve got in there. You may be shocked by the outdated items you’ve been consistently using.

Remove Items From Your House

Putting things into piles and groupings for trash or donating doesn’t do anything if they don’t get removed from your home. Once you’ve bagged, boxed, and packed up everything you want to get rid of, take action to get all of it out for good. You can schedule a porch pick-up or drop off anything getting donated at their respective locations.

Trash needs to make its way to a receptacle, never to be seen again. The idea is to ensure these things you’ve worked to expel don’t find their way back into circulation, endlessly cluttering your space.

Eliminate Paper Clutter

Paper clutter is a major issue for many people. It litters your countertops, dressers, and other surfaces. Perhaps you have a filing cabinet filled with paperwork that you’ll never look at again.

We’re in a digital age. All of those records you felt necessary to keep are most likely available online now.

Take a day and shred what you need to, go paperless on bills, and get that paper trail into the trash. Knowing where your important papers are will help you maintain safety and security as they won’t be buried amongst useless documentation.

Once you’ve implemented tips for eliminating household clutter once and for all, you’ll be able to have a living space that’s more organized—a space in which you can truly relax. The items that were lost underneath piles of useless junk can now be displayed how you’ve always intended.

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