Customer Reviews

Design Your Space with Maximalism!

Maximalism, What is It?

Maximalism is exactly what you’d expect, the opposite of minimalism and a celebration of the “more is more” attitude. The goal of maximalism is to be exciting visually, but still put together. It is easy to cross the line from maximalism into cluttered and hoarding but that is part of what makes the style so fun. When done right, a maximalist design is a feast for the eyes that keeps you looking and interested, but not overwhelmed. For an in depth and historical explanation of the style you can check it out here and here!

How To Use It In Your Home

When designing a space from a maximalist perspective, the point in part is to be surrounded by things that bring you joy. Items that have meaning, and still add something to the space. In relation to minimalism, ensuring the objects in your space bring you joy is the biggest connection between the two styles. If it doesn’t bring you joy to see the item or design, then it doesn’t belong.

When designing a space, one of the larger goals will be to ensure that no space is left bare. If there is a shelf with space on it, there should be something there. This is a great way for families to keep photos out but ensure they are incorporated into the space. If there are photos everywhere in a room, then they’re supposed to be everything in the room. For book worms who love to see each and every book on display this is also a great style. Use open shelving supported by our Heavy Duty Floating Shelf Brackets, this will allow as much of the books to be visible as possible. You can then use other pieces you’ve collected as book ends in a both functional and visible way!

Keep the Play in the Patterns

To solidify a maximalist design, the colors and patterns used must be bold while simultaneously going together. This is often where people run into an issue. Either they don’t go bold enough to solidify the concept, leading to a space that looks more generic than maximalist; or by going too bold with their patterns and colors in a way that clashes. This leads to a room that looks chaotic to both the eyes and mind.

When choosing the wall color don’t be afraid of choosing a bright color or even a wallpaper pattern that both brings you joy, and works with the pieces you plan to include in the room. The furniture should also follow this rule, don’t choose a simple color, but keep in mind that if you’ve chosen a bold pattern for the walls, it may be best to stick to only bold colors in that pattern for the couch. This will help ground the space and keep it looking put together.

Notes to Remember

Maximalism is supposed to be fun and bring you joy when you walk into a room! To ensure your space continues to do that bear in mind the following when you start to design:

  • Go wild with the colors and patterns and don’t hold back. Make sure you leave a few pieces to connect them together. This can be as simple as a bold color from a pattern included in a piece of furniture.
  • Ensure you actually like the pieces, colors, and patterns you use in your design. If you don’t love it, it doesn’t belong.
  • When packing the style and items on your surfaces, be sure they’re properly supported! If you need brackets be sure to check us out!


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