Right On Bracket – Continuing Operations
We’re blessed to work in an area that currently has been nearly unaffected by the Coronavirus. We also have an amazing crew of people that work for us. We’re taking this pandemic very seriously and will continuing business as normal.
We’re taking precautions in the workplace to stop the potential spread of the virus. This includes social distancing, washing our hands, and sanitizing our equipment. We designed a hand sanitizer stands that fit both a dispenser or holds a sanitizer pump bottle. We’re using this in our office, as well as selling this product to the public. This protects us as well as our customers.
As we move into this coronavirus pandemic, there could be a potential slowdown on shipping. Depending on what USPS, Fedex, & UPS do, that could directly effects us.
We’re dedicated to get products to our customers in a matter of days. If anything happens that slows down shipping, we’ll make sure you’re well aware of any delay.
Custom Projects
We’re currently limiting our custom projects. If it’s a minor detail needed changed on a bracket, that won’t be an issue. If there are major product adjustments needed, we won’t have the capacity to do that currently.
With all your custom projects, please reach out to us first.
Thank You
Thank you for supporting us during these times! Like many small businesses, we’re still operating as we can. We look forward to assisting you with your next project! – Pete & Andres